Under the ARCH

Garden Design

With January and the new year signalling new beginnings – how about a new flower bed or border, or even a new garden?
The more planning you do now, the sooner it will become a reality for summer. With this in mind, we are working with a garden designer who has recently started her garden design studies at Capel Manor College, in Enfield. If you are wanting some ideas and perhaps a scaled drawing to help you visualise your space, we can help put some ideas together.
Jobs to do now…

What we do

• Remove last years foliage from Hellebores to reveal delicate blooms.
• Prune selected deciduous trees while the branches are bare so its easier to see any damaged or diseased limbs.
• Winter-prune Wisteria, Roses, Apple and Pear trees.
• Plant Bareroot fruit bushes.
• Mulch beds & borders.
• Force Rhubarb for earlier harvest.
• Seed potatoes can be chitted.
• Sow Onions, Cauliflower, Leeks and Lettuce under cover for early crops.
• Be wildlife friendly by keeping Birdbaths free from freezing with a small floating ball.

If there is anything else you need please let us know. Call 01462 686491 or email admin@arch.uk.com